2014 Sunday Weekly Bites #12

Had a lot more lessons with my tutees this week; have a lot more work to clear this week. Been doing report after report and it is kinda draining me out. Sleep doesn't happen until it's 2am and most the time I've to crawl out of bed at 7/8/9. So sleepy. : |

Friday was the worst - late for lab.
Nah not going to repeat, go read about it in the previous post if you're that kaypo.

22/3/2014, Saturday

Headed to lessons first > sw's birthday celebration.
Wanted to visit the doggy cafe but it was so full :(
Well more about this once I received the photos from yq.

23/3/2014, Sunday

Happy legal day cowie! Let's keep it short and simple - you're one of my bestest friends and I love you to the moon and back!

I've been stuffing myself with food for the past week. Nasi lemak, maggie mee, curry, fatty pork, mac and doubling my food intake for blood donation. Gained 1+ kg (according to my dk working or not weighing scale). Went to check today and I'm still short of 0.3kg wtf. Wanna donate also so troublesome.

The past week of unhealthy lifestyle is killing me. I'm not trying anymore. So to the rest who can, please do. You shouldn't be scared of this, you should be scared when you're waiting for blood, or your loved ones. Maybe I will try again after my buffet session lol.

For now, time to diet exercise diet exercise. I like diet exercise more than eating nonstop (unless it's the time of the month). Gonna try the 60 days exercise challenge omg so excitingzxzxz #storyofmylifehahaha

+ 1 more month to finals!

Favourite song of the week is Alive by Krewella. 
